America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


The U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy Needs More Indian Ocean

Alyssa Ayres | Council on Foreign Relations | 01/31/2019

Washington will need to identify and commit to specific goals in the Indo-Pacific if this geographic and strategic approach is to be successful. The Donald J. Trump administration has adopted…

Advancing the U.S.-Korea Economic Agenda

Wendy Cutler, Hyemin Lee | Asia Society Policy Institute | 01/23/2019

For nearly 70 years, the United States-Republic of ...

Global Value Chain Policy Series: Investment

Wang Zhi and David Dollar | World Economic Forum | 07/26/2018

Introduction Two-thirds of world trade now takes place...

U.S.-Korea FTA: Advice on Modifications to Duty Rates for Certain Motor Vehicles

Rhonda K. Schmidtlein, Chairman David S. Johanson, Vice Chairman Irving A. Williamson, Meredith M. Broadbent Jason E. Kearns | United States International Trade Commission | 06/18/2018


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