America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


European Union Trade Agreements With Singapore and Vietnam: Do They Serve as Models For a Region-Wide Arrangement With ASEAN?

Raimondo Reironi | Torino World Affairs Institute | 01/26/2022

In April 2021, the European Council approved conclusions on a comprehensive strategy for cooperation in the Indo- Pacific. Amid significant challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and the Sino-American rivalry,…

Can EU Carbon Border Adjustment Measures Propel WTO Climate Talks?

Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Jisun Kim and Jeffrey J. Schott | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 11/10/2021

EU Trade Agreements. What Do They Mean for Polish Entrepreneurs?

THINKTANK | Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance | 09/21/2021

Foreign trade has always bee...

EU-India trade relations: assessment and perspectives

Suman Bery, Sonali Chowdhry, Alicia Garcia-Herrero and Niclas Poitiers | Brugel | 09/10/2021

Following the E...

EU-US Trade and Technology Council: New forum for transatlantic cooperation

Marcin Szczepanski | European Parliamentary Research Service | 09/06/2021

In December ...


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