America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


China’s manufacturing dominance and the potential for the weaponization of trade

Stewart Paterson | Hinrich Foundation | 07/19/2022

It might seem odd to talk of China as the world’s economic hegemon when it is not even the largest economy in the world, at least not at market exchange…

China’s manufacturing dominance and the potential for weaponization of trade

Stewart Paterson | Hinrich Foundation | 07/19/2022

The apparent success of China’s ...

Public Responses to Foreign Protectionism: Evidence From the US-China Trade War

David A. Steinberg & Yeling Tan | The Review of International Organizations | 06/08/2022

The Untold Victims of China’s Trade Policies

Kristen Hopewell | The Washington Quarterly | 04/25/2022

China’s trade policies have come under intense scrutiny am...

The (Updated) Case for Free Trade

Scott Lincicome and Alfredo Carrillo Obregon | CATO Institute | 04/19/2022

The long‐​standing bipartisan consensus in favor of...

The Political Logic of Reshoring in Low Carbon Technologies: Economic Interdependence and Green Industrial Policy

Andreas Goldthau, Llewelyn Hughes, & Jonas Nahm | Social Science Research Network | 03/31/2022


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