America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


The US trade dispute: blunt offense or rational strategy?

Michael Hübler and Axel Herdecke | Leibniz University | 01/23/2019

This article evaluates the recent protectionist US trade policy and the retaliation of the EU and China. The article employs a New Quantitative Trade Theory model and an Armington model…

China’s next policy change: Not what President Trump hopes for

Weifeng Zhong, Julian Tszkin Chan | American Enterprise Institute | 01/18/2019

  As the US-China ...

Trade Effect of the New Silk Road: A Gravity Analysis

Suprabha Baniya, Nadia Rocha, and Michele Ruta | World Bank Group | 01/16/2019

This paper takes a first look...

How China’s WTO accession changed our global trading system

Lauren Kyger | Hinrich Foundation | 01/16/2019

 Western policymakers and multinational corporati...

China – Partner and Systemic Competitor

Friedolin Strack | BDI e.V. | 01/10/2019

How Do We Deal with China’s State-Controlled Economy? In the election year of t...

Measuring distortions in international markets: the aluminium value chain

Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development | 01/07/2019

This report builds on t...


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