America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


How the Belt and Road Initiative could reduce trade costs

Francois de Soyres, Alen Mulabdic, Siobhan Murray, Nadia Rocha, Michele Ruta | VoxEU | 11/28/2018

The Belt and Road Initiative, proposed by China in 2013, consists primarily of a series of infrastructure projects aimed at improving connectivity on a trans-continental scale. This column presents new…

Who is Paying for the Trade War with China?

Benedikt Zoller-Rydzek and Gabriel Felbermayr | EconPol | 11/19/2018

Abstract On September 24th 2018, the United State...

Trump’s Steel Tariffs Have Hit Smaller and Poorer Countries the Hardest

Chad P. Bown, Euijin Jung and Eva (Yiwen) Zhang | Peterson Institute for International Economics | 11/15/2018

Natural partners? Europe, Japan and security in the Indo-Pacific

Luis Simón and Ulrich Speck | Elcano Royal Institute | 11/12/2018

Introduction Europeans and Jap...


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