America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


Promoting a Just Transition to an Inclusive Circular Economy

Patrick Schröder | Chatham House | 04/29/2020

Since 2017, annual global primary resource extraction and use has exceeded 100 billion tonnes per year; and estimates by the International Resource Panel indicate that by 2050 annual global material use could amount to between…

A U.S. National Strategy for 5G and Future Wireless Innovation

Doug Brake | Information Technology and Innovation Foundation | 04/27/2020

INTRODUCTION These are f...

Export Prohibitions and Restrictions

World Trade Organization | 04/23/2020

The COVID-19 pandemic presents the world with an unprecedented public health challenge....

Racing against COVID-19: a vaccines strategy for Europe

Reinhilde Veugelers and Georg Zachmann | Bruegel | 04/21/2020

The fast development of vaccines is an essen...

G20 Extraordinary Agriculture Ministers Meeting

G20 Saudi Arabia | 04/21/2020

We, the G20 Agriculture Ministers, are deeply saddened by the devastating human loss...

White House Advisor Peter Navarro’s Disastrous Influence On the Economy

Bryan Riley | National Taxpayers Union, Free Trade Initiative | 04/20/2020

If recent...


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