Save the date! The 2025 Annual Dinner will be held on Wednesday, July 23.
Please click here to view the highlights of the 2024 WITA/WITF Annual Dinner.
If you would like to reserve your table for the 2025 WITA/WITF Annual Dinner, please contact to Diego Añez at For more information about other WITA sponsorship opportunities, please click here.
The Annual Membership Dinner, typically held each summer, hosted by the Washington International Trade Foundation, is WITA’s signature event. The Dinner attracts hundreds of top decision makers, policy shapers, and trade experts from D.C. and around the world.
Organized by WITA’s sister organization, the 501(c)(3) Washington International Trade Foundation (WITF), the Annual Dinner is the biggest trade event of the year in Washington, DC. The event is a fundraiser to support WITA and WITF’s trade education activities throughout the year.
This event is considered “widely attended” under both House & Senate Gift Rules.
The highlight of the event is the presentation of awards to individuals who have made extraordinary contributions in the field of international trade. Past honorees (listed below) have included Members of Congress, Senators, United States Trade Representatives and other Cabinet and Sub-cabinet level officials.
Another tradition at the Dinner is the honoring of an impactful individual in the trade policy community with our Lighthouse Award. Kept secret until the night of the Dinner, the Lighthouse is awarded in recognition of the contributions the individual has made over the course of his/her career to trade policy, the understanding of global trade, or expanding the benefits of global trade. Prior recipients can be found at the bottom of this page.
For list of past award recipients, please click here.
The WITA/WITF Annual Dinner (#TradeProm) is hosted at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center, located in downtown Washington D.C. at 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
WITA and the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center will use the utmost caution and care for our event planners, attendees, and staff following all CDC and Washington D.C. guidelines.
“Trade Prom”
The Annual Dinner is packed with a ‘Who’s Who’ of trade policy professionals–over 500 attendees each year. It’s no wonder it’s come to be known as “Trade Prom”!
For more information, please contact Diego Anez,
WITA/WITF Sponsorship Levels
Special Opportunity for Diamond Level Sponsors Contribute an additional $5,000 to support the WITA Academy and your table level at the Annual Dinner will be elevated to WITA’s new Leadership Circle! By elevating your sponsorship, your organization will be recognized at all Career Development and Trade Capacity Building Programs of the WITA Academy, reflecting your commitment to the next generation of policy leaders and trade education worldwide. Free passes will also be provided to your organization for all WITA Academy Virtual Intensive Trade Seminars. |
Diamond Level Sponsor Investment: $15,000
- Elite table at the WITA/WITF Annual Dinner
- 4 Additional Reception-only Tickets to the Annual Dinner Pre and Post Receptions
- Executive Group Membership for all employees
- Unlimited free access to regular WITA policy webinars for all employees
- Two free passes to WITA Academy Virtual Intensive Trade Seminars
- One free pass to the in-person Washington International Trade Conference
- Two free passes to the in-person Congressional Trade Counsels Event
- Discounted Member pricing for all events, including the Annual International Trade Conference, Congressional Trade Counsels, and Intensive Trade Seminars
- Diamond Level recognition at the Annual Dinner, and at all in-person events, promotional materials and signage
- Opportunity for logoed contributions to WITA/WITF Annual Dinner Gift Bag
- Logoed congratulatory statement to honorees featured during Annual Dinner slideshow and in printed program
- Logo-Link on WITA’s website
Diamond Half Table Sponsor Investment: $10,000
- Elite Half table (up to 5 seats) at the WITA/WITF Annual Dinner & Reception
- 5 Additional Reception-only Tickets to the Annual Dinner Pre and Post Receptions
- Executive Group Membership for all employees
- Unlimited free access to regular WITA policy webinars for all employees
- Two free passes to WITA Academy Virtual Intensive Trade Seminars
- One free pass to the in-person Washington International Trade Conference
- Two free passes to the in-person Congressional Trade Counsels Event
- Discounted Member pricing for all events, including the Annual International Trade Conference, Congressional Trade Counsels, and Intensive Trade Seminars
- Diamond Level recognition at the Annual Dinner, and at all in-person events, promotional materials and signage
- Opportunity for logoed contributions to WITA/WITF Annual Dinner Gift Bag
- Logoed congratulatory statement to honorees featured during Annual Dinner slideshow and in printed program
- Logo-Link on WITA’s website
Platinum Level Sponsor Investment: $12,500
- Premier table at the WITA/WITF Annual Dinner
- Executive Group Membership for all employees
- Unlimited free access to regular WITA policy webinars for all employees
- One free pass to WITA Academy Virtual Intensive Trade Seminars
- One free pass to the in-person Washington International Trade Conference
- Two free passes to the in-person Congressional Trade Counsels Event
- Discounted Member pricing for all events, including the Annual International Trade Conference, Congressional Trade Counsels, and Intensive Trade Seminars
- Platinum Level recognition at the Annual Dinner, and at all in-person events, promotional materials and signage
- Opportunity for logoed contributions to WITA/WITF Annual Dinner Gift Bag
- Logoed congratulatory statement to honorees featured during Annual Dinner slideshow and in printed program
- Logo-Link on WITA’s website
Platinum Half Table Sponsor Investment: $7,500
- Premier Half table (up to 4 seats) at the WITA/WITF Annual Dinner & Reception
- 4 Additional Reception-only Tickets to the Annual Dinner Pre and Post Receptions
- Executive Group Membership for all employees
- Unlimited free access to regular WITA policy webinars for all employees
- One free pass to WITA Academy Virtual Intensive Trade Seminars
- One free pass to the in-person Washington International Trade Conference
- Two free passes to the in-person Congressional Trade Counsels Event
- Discounted Member pricing for all events, including the Annual International Trade Conference, Congressional Trade Counsels, and Intensive Trade Seminars
- Platinum Level recognition at the Annual Dinner, and at all in-person events, promotional materials and signage
- Opportunity for logoed contributions to WITA/WITF Annual Dinner Gift Bag
- Logoed congratulatory statement to honorees featured during Annual Dinner slideshow and in printed program
- Logo-Link on WITA’s website
Gold Level Sponsor – Sold Out!
Gold Half Table Sponsor Investment: $5,000
- Half table (up to 4 seats) at the WITA/WITF Annual Dinner
- Large Group Membership for up to 10 employees
- Unlimited free access to regular WITA policy webinars for all employees
- One free pass to the in-person Congressional Trade Counsels Event
- Discounted Member pricing for all events, including the Annual International Trade Conference, Congressional Trade Counsels, and Intensive Trade Seminars
- Gold Level recognition at the Annual Dinner
- Opportunity for logoed contributions to WITA/WITF Annual Dinner Gift Bag
- Logo-Link on WITA’s website
*Free passes not available for use at all WITA events. After free passes are used, member rates apply.
If you would need or prefer a personalized invoice, just let us know! Contact Diego Añez:
Past Honorees & Speakers at the WITA / WITF Annual Dinner
Welcoming remarks by the French Embassy’s Minister Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Antonin Aviat
Featured valedictory remarks by Congressman Earl Blumenauer
Congressman Darin LaHood, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by former Congressman Kevin Brady)
Senator Chris Coons, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by former Senator Rob Portman)
Ana Swanson, WITA Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn & Bill Lane)
Doug Palmer, WITA Lighthouse Award (introduced by Stephanie Lester & Sarah Thorn)
Masters of Ceremonies: Kaitlin Sighinolfi & Nasim Fussell
Congressman Adrian Smith, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by former Congressman Kevin Brady)
Senator Tom Carper, American Leadership Award (introduced by Senator John Cornyn)
Deputy Director-General Angela Ellard, Lifetime Achievement Award (introduced by former Speaker Paul Ryan and presented by Meredith Broadbent and Viji Rangaswami surrounded by former colleagues)
Monica H. Whaley, WITA Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn & Bill Lane)
Masters of Ceremonies: Stacy J. Ettinger & Vanessa Sciarra
See our 2023 Annual Awards Dinner Highlights here.
Congressman Ron Kind, Distinguished Service Award (introduced by Congressman Earl Blumenauer)
Senator Pat Toomey, Distinguished Service Award (introduced by Ambassador Rufus Yerxa, Ambassador Jayme White, & Sabine Weyand)
Ambassador Carla Hills, Lifetime Achievement Award (introduced by Ambassador Susan Schwab)
Jennifer A. Hillman, WITA Lighthouse Award (introduced by Stephanie Lester Sarah Thorn)
Master of Ceremonies: Ambassador Rufus Yerxa
See our 2022 Annual Awards Dinner Highlights here.
Congressman Richard Neal, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Congresswoman Suzan DelBene)
Congressman Kevin Brady, Lifetime Achievement Award (introduced by Congresswoman Jackie Walorski)
Ambassador Rufus Yerxa, Lifetime Achievement Award (introduced by Ambassador Susan Schwab)
Florizelle Liser, WITA Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn & Katrin Kuhlman)
Master of Ceremonies: Ambassador Susan Schwab
See our 2021 Annual Awards Dinner Highlights here.
Due to COVID-19, WITA hosted a Virtual Annual Dinner featuring Award Winning Chef Danny Lledó of Xiquet. Due to the online format of the event, WITA did not have an honoree in 2020.
Senator Chuck Grassley, American Leadership Award (introduced by Ambassador Jim Bacchus)
Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Rick Larsen)
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Kevin Brady)
Women In International Trade (WIIT), WITA Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn & Selina Jackson)
Masters of Ceremonies: John Veroneau
See our 2019 Annual Awards Dinner Highlights here.
Senator Ben Cardin, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Senator Heidi Heitkamp)
Senator Pat Roberts, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Dan Glickman)
Secretary Sonny Perdue, American Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Kevin Brady)
Laura Baughman, Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn & Bill Lane)
See our 2018 Annual Awards Dinner Highlights here.
Congressman Rick Larsen, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Suzan DelBene)
Senator Jeff Flake, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Jim Kolbe)
Meredith Broadbent, Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn)
See our 2017 Annual Awards Dinner Highlights here.
Secretary Penny Pritzker, Global Leadership Award
Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Congressman Kevin Brady)
Congressman David Reichert, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Congressman Kevin Brady)
Bill Lane, Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn)
William Reinsch, Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn & Bill Lane)
MC: Nicole Venable
See our 2016 Annual Awards Dinner Highlights here.
Congressman Paul Ryan, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Earl Blumenauer)
Senator Orrin Hatch, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Senator Tom Carper)
Senator Ron Wyden, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Earl Blumenauer)
Ambassador Mike Moore, Lifetime Achievement Award (introduced by Ambassador Susan Schwab)
Everett Eissenstat, Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn & Bill Lane)
MC: Nicole Venable
See our 2015 Annual Awards Dinner Highlights here.
Congressman Charles Boustany, Jr., MD, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Gregory Meeks,)
Congressman Ron Kind, Congressional Leadership Award (introduced by Representative Erik Paulsen)
Ambassador Michael Punke, Distinguished Service Award (introduced by Ambassador Peter Allgeier)
Ambassador Clayton Yeutter, Lifetime Achievement Award (introduced by Ambassador Peter Allgeier)
Wendy Cutler, Lighthouse Award (introduced by Sarah Thorn & Bill Lane)
MC: Ambassador Peter Allgeier
Chairman Dave Camp, Distinguished Leadership in International Trade
USTR Michael Froman, Distinguished Leadership in International Trade
Congressman Gregory Meeks, Distinguished Leadership in International Trade
Ed Gresser, Lighthouse Award
MC: Ambassador Peter Allgeier
USTR Ron Kirk, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman David Dreier, Lifetime Achievement Award
Jutta Hennig, Lighthouse Award
MC: Grant Aldonas
Senator Rob Portman, Distinguished Service Award
Senator John Kerry, Distinguished Service Award
Angela Ellard & Viji Rangaswami, Lighthouse Award
Keynote address by USTR Ron Kirk
Senator Max Baucus, Lifetime Achievement Award
Ambassador Jon Huntsman, Distinguished Service Award
R. Scott Miller, Lighthouse Award
Keynote address by former USTR Susan Schwab
MC: Dan Glickman
Congressman Kevin Brady, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman Joe Crowley, Distinguished Service Award
Frank and Regina Vargo, Lighthouse Award
Keynote address by Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke
MC: Jim Kolbe
United States Trade Representative Susan Schwab, Distinguished Service Award
R.K. “Judge” Morris, Lighthouse Award
Keynote address by former USTR Rob Portman
MC: Cal Dooley
WITA’s 25th Anniversary: Celebrating of a Quarter Century of Trade Leadership
Keynote address by Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez
MC: John Castellani Business Roundtable
Congressman Charles Rangel, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman Jim Kolbe, Lifetime Achievement Award
Keynote address by Senator Hillary Clinton
MC: Bill Lane
Congressman William Thomas, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman Robert Matsui, Lifetime Achievement Award
Keynote address by Congressman Jim Kolbe
Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Grant Aldonas, Distinguished Service Award
Deputy United States Trade Representative Peter Allgeier, Distinguished Service Award
Keynote address by Congressman Cal Dooley
MC: Bill Lane
United States Trade Representative Robert Zoellick, Distinguished Service Award
Keynote address by Jack Valenti, CEO, Motion Picture Association of America
Congressman Amo Houghton, Lifetime Achievement Award
Congressman William Jefferson, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman John Tanner, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman Phil Crane, Lifetime Achievement Award
Senator Charles Grassley, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman Sander Levin, Distinguished Service Award
Secretary of Commerce William Daley, Lifetime Achievement Award
Congressman Calvin Dooley, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman David Dreier, Distinguished Service Award
Senator Max Baucus, Distinguished Service Award
Senator Chuck Hagel, Distinguished Service Award
Secretary of Treasury Robert E. Rubin, Distinguished Service Award
Senator William V. Roth, Distinguished Service Award
United States Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman William Archer, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman Sam Gibbons, Lifetime Achievement Award
Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade Stuart Eizenstat, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman James Kolbe, Distinguished Service Award
Congressman Robert Matsui, Distinguished Service Award
Questions? Contact WITA at (202) 312-1600 or
WITF is the 501(c)(3) organization that supports the educational mission and activities of WITA. WITF’s Federal Tax ID Number is 52-1907420.
Please note that the fair market value of each seat at the Dinner is $150, plus the amount of the WITA Group Membership that each table package includes. Membership pricing is as follows: Executive: $1,000; Large: $500; Small: $350
To calculate your charitable contribution amount, deduct the amount of the table and the group membership from your Investment amount above.
Thank you for supporting WITA and WITF by sponsoring a table at the “Trade Prom”!
All checks should be made payable to the Washington International Trade Foundation.